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All posts by Mohammed Ozir.

UAE-Israel agreement serves US and Israel alone (Deal tussen de VAE en Israël dient alleen de VS en Israël)

UAE-Israel agreement serves US and Israel alone (Deal tussen de VAE en Israël dient alleen de VS en Israël)

By Zafarul-Islam Khan The UAE-Israel announcement of 13 August 2020 did not surprise me at all. It comes as the latest development in the growing Israeli relationship with Gulf states including Qatar and Saudi Arabia…
Hijab- The space between conditioning and freedom for women (Hijab- De ruimte tussen conditionering en vrijheid voor vrouwen)

Hijab- The space between conditioning and freedom for women (Hijab- De ruimte tussen conditionering en vrijheid voor vrouwen)

Often regarded as a ‘symbol of oppression, domination and self–segregation,’ Hijab (headscarf) and Naqab (covering face and body), worn by Muslim women to cover their head and chest; have been a subject of contestation, in…
US religious commission takes note of attacks on churches in India by Hindutva mob – De Amerikaanse religieuze commissie neemt nota van aanvallen op kerken in India door Hindutva-bendes

US religious commission takes note of attacks on churches in India by Hindutva mob – De Amerikaanse religieuze commissie neemt nota van aanvallen op kerken in India door Hindutva-bendes

New Delhi:  The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), a federal body that advises US Congress and President, expressed concern over growing attacks on churches and Christian community members in India. USCIRF, which…
Will face-mask modify the veil debate in Europe? (Zal gezichtsmasker het sluierdebat in Europa veranderen?)

Will face-mask modify the veil debate in Europe? (Zal gezichtsmasker het sluierdebat in Europa veranderen?)

Throughout the world, governments can easily sell and buy two slogans: “Public interest” and “For Your Safety” that is what European democracies are doing now for public safety against the coronavirus. In a similar bid,…
Persecution of Christians in India has increased (De vervolging van Christenen in India is toegenomen)

Persecution of Christians in India has increased (De vervolging van Christenen in India is toegenomen)

In December 2019, the UK-US based monitoring group Open Doors that publishes an annual World Watch List of 50 countries, ranked India 10th in the world where it is most dangerous to live as a…