
Aanval op christenen in India

All posts by Mohammed Ozir.

Christians under attack in India, over 300 cases of violence in 2021: Report (Aanval op Christenen in India)

Christians under attack in India, over 300 cases of violence in 2021: Report (Aanval op Christenen in India)

New DelhiReleasing a Fact Finding Report on violent attacks on the Christian minority and their places of worship in UP and other parts of the country, prominent activists and journalists on Thursday described hate attacks…
Vastendieet kan kanker voorkomen – Klopt dit wel?

Vastendieet kan kanker voorkomen – Klopt dit wel?

Van wie komt die claim? Twee dagen niet eten, of alleen ’s ochtends een beetje, geeft ons lichaam een ‘verjongingskuur’, zei Radar-presentator Antoinette Hertsenberg deze week bij talkshow Pauw. Alsof er tijdens de vastenperiode een…
The Dutch ‘burqa ban’ collides with reality, and should make governments think again about policing dress

The Dutch ‘burqa ban’ collides with reality, and should make governments think again about policing dress

When I stood as an independent candidate in the Tower Hamlets’ mayoral elections of 2015, a white man asked me what colour my hair was under my veil. I said it was pink. He smiled,…
Breastfeeding saves 800,000 lives each year: WHO

Breastfeeding saves 800,000 lives each year: WHO

Increasing breastfeeding to near-universal levels could save more than 800,000 lives every year, said the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) in a statement. The organization released the statement on Thursday on the occasion of World…
Jewish Americans most favorable towards Muslims : Report

Jewish Americans most favorable towards Muslims : Report

Jewish Americans most favorable towards Muslims (According to survey by Institute for Social Policy and Understanding) WASHINGTON : Islamophobia in the United States is not rooted in a clash of religious beliefs but is driven…