Kabir Khan said, "Because if you do some research and read history, it's very tough to understand why they have to be villainised."

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All posts by Mohammed Ozir.

Mughals were original nation-builders: Kabir Khan criticises their demonisation in Bollywood

Mughals were original nation-builders: Kabir Khan criticises their demonisation in Bollywood

New Delhi: “I think they [Mughals] were the original nation-builders, and to write them off and say they massacred people… But what are you basing it on? Please point out the historical evidence,” well-known Bollywood…
Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims join hands to build a mosque in Punjab village

Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims join hands to build a mosque in Punjab village

New Delhi: People of Bhaloor village in Punjab’s Moga district has set a new example of religious harmony as they have come together to build a mosque. People from Hindu, Sikh and Muslim communities have…
Why the followers of Hindutva support Zionist Israel (Waarom de volgelingen van Hindutva Zionistisch Israël steunen)

Why the followers of Hindutva support Zionist Israel (Waarom de volgelingen van Hindutva Zionistisch Israël steunen)

India’s Hindu Nationalist have a huge admiration for Israel. Last Month of May when Israeli forces brutally led the crackdown in AL Aqsa Mosque compound Islam’s third holiest site , followers of Hindutva Including the…
Europese parlementsleden veroordelen RSS (India) wegens zijn “fascistische” activiteiten

Europese parlementsleden veroordelen RSS (India) wegens zijn “fascistische” activiteiten

New Delhi: Europese parlementsleden hebben hun ernstige bezorgdheid geuit over de opkomst van de RSS, een hindoe paramilitaire groepering die de ideologische mentor is van India’s regerende Bharatiya Janata Partij. Onlangs haalde afgevaardigde Clémentine Autain…
Yemen heading toward biggest famine in modern history : UN WFP (Jemen stevent af op grootste hongersnood in moderne geschiedenis: WFP van de VN)

Yemen heading toward biggest famine in modern history : UN WFP (Jemen stevent af op grootste hongersnood in moderne geschiedenis: WFP van de VN)

It is hell on earth in many places in Yemen right now. Around 400,000 children may die in Yemen this year without urgent intervention. That is roughly one child every 75 seconds,” said the WFP…