Meer christenen gearresteerd in India

More Christians Arrested in India

More Christians Arrested in India (Meer christenen gearresteerd in India)

More Christians Arrested in India (Meer christenen gearresteerd in India)

(International Christian Concern) – Multiple pastors have been arrested in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India recently due to charges of forced conversion, and the crackdown by authorities has been so significant that many churches, particularly house churches, have completely halted Christian gatherings for worship and prayers. In one of the latest incidents, on July 10, Pastor Santosh Kanoojiya was arrested for forced conversion alongside four other Christians and remanded to a police lockup. After 24 hours he was released on bail, but because of the active legal case against him, he had to shut down his house church, where 150 Christians had been gathering every Sunday.

All that I need is a freedom to gather as a congregation and have worship service,” Pastor Kanoojiya recently told International Christian Concern (ICC). Kanoojiya said, “there have been constant efforts from the radical Hindu nationalist to close down the Church that I take care of. They did what they want, and it was possible because of the BJP ruling the state. I know I cannot conduct worship in my house, so I am planning to go house to house to our congregation to teach and pray with them,” Kanoojiya said.

In a second incident on July 10, a mob of radical Hindus associated with right wing organizations such as the RSS and Bajrang Dal disrupted the worship service of another congregation, harassing the Christians and influencing the police to arrest five of them for forced conversion. In yet a third recent incident, police arrested Pastor Mithlesh Kuma, who was merely visiting a local family. Unfortunately, the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, where all these arrests took place, had the highest number of anti-Christian persecution incidents out of any other state in India in 2021; it appears that this trend will continue in 2022. We pray for relief for the persecuted Christians in this region of India.

Meer christenen gearresteerd in India

(International Christian Concern) – Meerdere predikanten zijn onlangs gearresteerd in de staat Uttar Pradesh in India vanwege beschuldigingen van gedwongen bekering, en het optreden van de autoriteiten is zo ingrijpend geweest dat veel kerken, met name huiskerken, de christelijke bijeenkomsten volledig hebben stopgezet voor aanbidding en gebeden. In een van de laatste incidenten, op 10 juli, werd pastoor Santosh Kanoojiya gearresteerd voor gedwongen bekering samen met vier andere christenen en teruggestuurd naar een politiecel. Na 24 uur werd hij op borgtocht vrijgelaten, maar vanwege de actieve rechtszaak tegen hem moest hij zijn huiskerk sluiten, waar elke zondag 150 christenen samenkwamen.

“Het enige wat ik nodig heb is de vrijheid om als gemeente samen te komen en een eredienst te houden”, vertelde pastoor Kanoojiya onlangs aan International Christian Concern (ICC). Kanoojiya zei: “De radicale hindoe-nationalist heeft zich voortdurend ingespannen om de kerk waar ik voor zorg te sluiten. Ze deden wat ze wilden, en het was mogelijk dankzij de BJP die de staat regeerde. Ik weet dat ik geen aanbidding in mijn huis kan houden, dus ik ben van plan om van huis tot huis naar onze gemeente te gaan om met hen te onderwijzen en te bidden”, zei Kanoojiya.

In a second incident on July 10, a mob of radical Hindus associated with right wing organizations such as the RSS and Bajrang Dal disrupted the worship service of another congregation, harassing the Christians and influencing the police to arrest five of them for forced conversion. In yet a third recent incident, police arrested Pastor Mithlesh Kuma, who was merely visiting a local family. Unfortunately, the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, where all these arrests took place, had the highest number of anti-Christian persecution incidents out of any other state in India in 2021; it appears that this trend will continue in 2022. We pray for relief for the persecuted Christians in this region of India.


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