To make Muslim community poverty free, Zakat Centre India plans to expand its activities across the country (Om de moslimgemeenschap armoedevrij te maken, wil Zakat Centre India zijn activiteiten uitbreiden over het hele land)

To make Muslim community poverty free, Zakat Centre India plans to expand its activities across the country (Om de moslimgemeenschap armoedevrij te maken, wil Zakat Centre India zijn activiteiten uitbreiden over het hele land)

By Muslim Mirror Network  NEW DELHI—Established in 2022, Zakat Center India (ZCI) plans to expand its Zakat collection activities in 20 cities and towns all over India from the current financial year. Last year, it…
More Christians Arrested in India (Meer christenen gearresteerd in India)

More Christians Arrested in India (Meer christenen gearresteerd in India)

Multiple pastors have been arrested in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India recently due to charges of forced conversion, and the crackdown by authorities has been so significant that many churches, particularly house churches,…
Christian pastor attacked, forced to chant ‘Jai Shri Ram’ in Delhi (Christelijke pastoor aangevallen, gedwongen ‘Jai Shri Ram’ te scanderen in Delhi)

Christian pastor attacked, forced to chant ‘Jai Shri Ram’ in Delhi (Christelijke pastoor aangevallen, gedwongen ‘Jai Shri Ram’ te scanderen in Delhi)

A pastor has alleged that he was severely beaten up by a mob and forced to chant ‘Jai Shri Ram’ on 25 February in South Delhi on the suspicion of  “converting people into Christianity”. The…
Nu of nooit – ruk woensdag de luidsprekers van moskeeën af: Raj Thackeray

Nu of nooit – ruk woensdag de luidsprekers van moskeeën af: Raj Thackeray

Aurangabad : De Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) voorzitter Raj Thackeray noemde luidsprekers op moskeeën “een sociale en geen religieuze kwestie” en eiste dat de Maha Vikas Aghadi alle luidsprekers moet neerhalen voor de door hem…
Islamophobia becoming normalized in Dutch society (Islamofobie normaliseert in Nederlandse samenleving)

Islamophobia becoming normalized in Dutch society (Islamofobie normaliseert in Nederlandse samenleving)

AMSTERDAM:  Muslims in the Dutch capital Amsterdam think Islamophobia is “becoming increasingly normalized in society,” local media reported Sunday. An English-language newspaper in the Netherlands, NL Times, reported that a study into Islamophobia conducted by…